Connecting the different shades of Huemanity
“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize.”
- Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie
Tarps & Strings

Are you deeply concerned about homelessness, mental health challenges trauma, substance use and stigma?
AWỌ still stands, United Against Hate(UAH). It is our 3rd year of commitment to the UAH annual week of action and awareness, and this year, we say no to hate and violence with the spotlight on unhoused women and young girls.
For women, the violence of exposure due to homelessness is a daily reality. A harsh and troubling one.
Join us at Los Gatos Library on Friday, November 17th from 5pm for a community film screening inviting viewers to confront the intersectionality of gender, poverty, and discrimination.
The documentary sparks conversations about potential solutions, so Tarps & Strings does not leave us hopeless.
See you at the screening!
There are many people with different shades of skin color, all with their own unique and often unheard stories. What would our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces or places of worship feel like if we embraced the stories of those different from ourselves?
Our Story

Our story begins in Lagos, Nigeria
implicit bias
One story,
many shades
Programs bringing
us together