Connecting the different shades of Huemanity
“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize.”
- Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie
Stories & Drums with strings attached
Stories & Drums With Strings Attached is an AWỌ youth initiative that uses stories and music to enhance memorable and impactful anti-tobacco theatrical performances for the purposes of positive decision making, improved quality of life and character development.
According to the CDC's community profile for Santa Clara County, smoking rate in Santa Clara County is higher among black (12%) and Hispanic (12%) middle and high school students compared to their white peers (9%). In addition to prevention efforts aimed at the county's entire population, in line with our mission to create engaging opportunities for historically unheard or misrepresented stories to be shared and expressed, this time, AWỌ’s youth initiative targets high-risk populations in some of the County’s Title 1 schools.
Activities: African Drumming, Storyboarding, Role Playing and Strings
There are many people with different shades of skin color, all with their own unique and often unheard stories. What would our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces or places of worship feel like if we embraced the stories of those different from ourselves?
Our Story
Our story begins in Lagos, Nigeria
implicit bias
One story,
many shades
Programs bringing
us together